Hello. I am in need of some help with these following questions about The Odyssey:

1. When Odysseus finally lands upon the island of the Phaiacians, what happens which leads him to come out of disguise and reveal his true identity?

A. Athena vows to protect him and tells him he can live in secrecy no longer.

B. He is recognized by the singer who tells the story of the battle at Troy.

C. The Phaiacians promise not to harm him after all.

D. The king asks his name after he sees him crying during the minstrel's song.
**My answer=B

2. Which of the following best describes the earliest stages in the long journey of Odysseus?

A.They loot a series of cities, taking away much treasure.

B.Odysseus' men frequently disobey him, and they have a series of mishaps as a result.

C.Because of the continual interference of Poseidon, they never reach their destination.

D.The defenders of the Ciconian shoreline follow them continually, staging repeated attacks.
**my answer=D

3.Which best describes their escape from the island of the Cyclopes?

A.Odysseus uses a clever trick to fool his enemy and enable them to escape.

B.Odysseus maintains strength and valor after his men lose theirs.

C.Hermes Argeiphontes provides a magic potion to enable them to escape the Cyclops.

D.In a ferocious battle, Odysseus and his men slay the Cyclops, thrusting a great spear into its eye.
**my answer=A.

4.When Odysseus finally returns home, what does he do?

A.He sneaks in quietly at night so that he may observe the situation.

B.He challenges the suitors to a test of strength, using his old bow.

C.He comes disguised as an old beggar.

D.He secretly tells his wife he has returned, so that he can have her help.
**my answer=C

5.What final ordeal must Odysseus face?

A.In his absence, Ithaca has become anarchical, and he must quell a series of rebellions to reestablish his rule.

B.Having been married only a few years before leaving for Troy, and having been gone 20 years, Odysseus finds that his wife's feelings for him have dimmed, and he must re-ignite the fire of their love.

C.Odysseus must convince Ithaca that their old lifestyle, based on constant sea raids and warfare, is no longer the way they will live. He seeks to establish an economy (oikos) based upon the concepts of international trade which he has developed over the length of his journeys.

D.The families of the suitors are not amused and seek revenge.
my answer=D

6.How is the final ordeal resolved?

A.Odysseus and his family destroy their enemies in battle.

B.The gods decide that Odysseus's actions were justified, so Athena steps in and makes peace.

C.Poseiden repents for his vendetta against Odysseus and halts further actions against him.

D.The families meet in assembly and agree to make peace.
**my answer=B

7.How does Telemachus try to deal with the people who are overrunning his father's home?

A.He begs them to leave.

B.He calls for a council of prominent people in the village so that they will tell them to leave.

C.He brings out his father's bow and threatens them.

D.He is afraid to act alone, so he does nothing.
**my answer=C

Am I correct? Thank you.