Hello everybody!

I've got some problems with my english homework,and I'd really appreciate our help!
My homework is : name a stressfull job eg.:doctor,manager
than describe why this job is so stresfull,what can be the causers of sress.Why is this bad if you work as an xxxxx and you are stressed almost all the time. At the end of the essay I should write solution/solutions,how can an xxxxxx make the work more relaxing/not so stressfull. eg:take joga class.....

any ideas? if there are,would you be so kind,and write some sentences?
Thank you for your help!


2 answers

How about a job working with the public. Most of the times, these jobs can be very stressful becuase the public cannot always be cooperative.

Stress is a serious issue which can lead to alot of health problems, including depression.

As for the solution, you could write about not taking your job seriously and focousing more on what is really important in life.

You can do some research to long your essay- that is only if you need a longer essay (or simply want to get a better mark!)

Hope this helped!

PS: If this topic is something that you are not intersted in, you could always search google for a more interesting topic! GOOD LUCK!
Thank you very much Maddison!