As you work out YOUR answers to these questions, think about:
1) Many manual laborers work hard and long hours, but make little money. On the other hand, the Wall Street bankers and brokers made tons of money by performing their jobs in unethical ways.
What about teachers who help thousands of students in their careers, but make little money compared with some other professions.
2) I've experienced mostly cooperation in my life. However, seeing the intense competition in academia and business, many people have experienced more competition than cooperation.
What do you think?
Hello everybody,
I have an exam, an oral presentation, for my english class. I have to answer to 2 questions:
1) Is performance a synonym of money?
2) Is there more competition than cooperation in our society?
Honestly, I don't know what to write, I need help :) If you have ideas, it would be great !
4 answers
This is nice! Thank you very much. I will try to developp your answers for my presentation.
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
You're very welcome.
i don't no.