Hello! Can you tell me if I corrected these sentences properly? My answers are below each sentence I'm supposed to punctuate.
Instructions/Hint: Semi-colons
1. The baby smelled like lavender, and she just had a bath.
The baby smelled like lavender; she just had a bath.
2. She didn't want to go to the party, so she said she had to do homework.
She didn't want to go to the party; she said she had to do homework.
3. He was looking for his car keys, but he found his guitar string.
He was looking for his car keys; he found his guitar string.
(I should remove the conjunctions if I’m meant to use a semi-colon right?)
Instructions/Hint: To use a comma or not?
4. I had a really bad day. My car broke down my cat died and I forgot about the pop quiz in Math.
I had a really bad day. My car broke down, my cat died, and I forgot about the pop quiz in Math.
5. She said I could eat the peach plum or strawberry pie.
She said I could eat the peach, plum, or strawberry pie.
6. Aunt Jessica is the sweetest most wonderful person I know.
Aunt Jessica is the sweetest, most wonderful person I know.
Instructions/Hint: What's missing?
7. I love do it yourself projects
I love do-it-yourself projects.
8. Did you see this fourteenth century artifact
Did you see this fourteenth-century artifact?
9. I want three things in life chocolate a comfy chair and a good book
I want three things in life: chocolate, a comfy chair, and a good book.
10. My grandma is ninety seven years old
My grandma is ninety-seven years old.
11 . I love blue purple and white the names Adrienne Micah and Solaris the countries Russia Egypt and France but not the foods peanut butter oreos and eggplant
I love blue, purple, and white; the names Adrienne, Micah, and Solaris; the countries Russia, Egypt, and France; but not the foods peanut butter, Oreos, and eggplant.
(you capitalize ‘oreos’ because it’s a brand, right?)
Instructions: Stop this run-on! Watch for punctuation and capitalization as well!
12. I was so excited because I was able to go to the fair where there were all kinds of people and events and neat games to play and I was so happy because I got to go with my dad and brother who I haven't seen in the longest time did I mention that we were able to eat cake and dad bought me a balloon?
I was so excited because I was able to go to the fair where there were all kinds of people, events and neat games to play. I was so happy because I got to go with my dad and brother who I haven't seen in the longest time; did I mention that we were able to eat cake, and dad bought me a balloon?
13. I wish that I lived in the middle ages because then I could be a knight and fight with a sword or maybe I could be a queen and rule a kingdom Ive always wanted to live in a castle
I wish that I lived in the Middle Ages, because then I could be a knight and fight with a sword, or maybe I could be a queen and rule a kingdom. I've always wanted to live in a castle!
English is my third language so thank you in advance for the help! :)
5 answers
#12 has additional errors, and there should be 3 separate sentences here.
#13 should have 3 separate sentences.
13.I wish that I lived in the Middle Ages, because then I could be a knight and fight with a sword. Maybe I could be a queen and rule a kingdom. I've always wanted to live in a castle!
Are these correct now?
In #12, "my dad and brother who I haven't seen" -- the word pronoun should be "whom" not "who."
#13 is fine!