
can anybody help me for my assignment about request letter....
Assumed that your manager has asked you to write a request letter to another professional from another company. you will be requesting that this person guest speak at your organization and share information about their companies services.

Thank You.

3 answers


Also be sure that you use proper grammar and capitalization and spelling.

"You will be requesting that this person guest speak at your organization and share information about his/her company's services.
Thank you Ms. Sue,
i can't find the exact letter for my assignment there is so many sample,
can you site sample about it? pls...
"your manager has asked you to write a request letter to another professional from another company and you will be requesting that this person guest speak at your organization and share information about their companies services...
Thanks a lot Ms. Sue
You really need to do your own searches. They are not difficult.

Go to www.google.com
Type in letter to request guest speaker
Read and choose.