Hello. Below is a sentence in my essay for school:
Lolling in lounge and other chairs gathered around the pool, alleviating water slides down the throats of loving relations.
I was curious if this was written correctly because 'alleviating water' comes after the comma when the phrase before the comma is talking about the 'loving relations.' I seem to think it is not, but I am not positive that is so.
Please, did I write my sentence incorrectly or is my memory simply playing tricks on me?
I am wondering why water is in lounge and other chairs, unless it rained.
So it is incorrect, as I thought?
"Lolling in lounge and other chairs gathered around the pool, alleviating water slides down the throats of loving relations."
This really doesn't make good sense. Grammatically, it seems complete, but I really have no idea what you are trying to say.
alleviating is used as an adjective (perhaps that is where some of the confusion comes in???)
Aleviating water slides down the throats of loving relations lolling in lounge and other chairs around the pool.
The other way the water was lolling in the chairs and then sliding down throats alleviatingly. Yuck