
a slide loving pig slides down a certain 35° slide in twice the time it would take to slide down a frictionless 35° slide. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the pig and the slide?

Is this the equation on how to solve it? It's ahard one to explain:g sinè=4g(sinè−ìcosè)

The pig will have this acceleration on the frictionless slide:

acceleration=g sinTheta
its final velocity will be
Vf=sqrt 2ad= sqrt (2gd sinTheta)
the average velocity going down will be half that.
avgvelocity=1/2 sqrt (2gd SinTheta)

Now on the friction slide...
ma=mgCosTheta - mu mgSinTheta
solve for a here.
Vavg will again be 1/2 sqrt (2ad)

You know Vavg on the friction slide is 1/2, so

1/2 VavgFrictionless=VavgFriction

solve for mu.

1 answer
