Heading to school, Edie mentally reviewed her oral presentation. She was permitted a single page of notes, but she had prepared so thoroughly she doubted she'd need them. Thinking of her notes, Edie suddenly realized she'd neglected to print them. Her stomach sank. Should she retrieve her notes and risk being tardy for her presentation? Or should she risk delivering it without the aid of her notes?

Why is it likely that Edie will choose to give her presentation without her notes?
• She is only allowed a single page of notes. Therefore, they would not
offer her much help on her presentation.
(2 She doesn' think returning for her notes is a possibility. Therefore, she has no choice but to give her presentation without notes.
3 She has prepared thoroughly and doubts she'll need her notes.
Therefore, it isn't worth the risk of being tardy.

1 answer

4. Edie wants to demonstrate her knowledge and proficiency in the subject matter and believes she can confidently deliver the presentation without the aid of notes.