he results of censorship in the Soviet Union included the control of information and ideas, the suppression of dissent, and the shaping of a narrative that served the interests of the Communist regime. Censorship restricted artistic expression, controlled the media, and suppressed any form of dissent or opposition to the government. It contributed to the creation of a "cult of personality" around Stalin through propaganda, limiting access to alternative perspectives and reinforcing the state-approved ideology. Censorship also played a role in the russification policy, imposing Russian culture on diverse Soviet republics and limiting the expression of various cultural and religious practices.

rephrase as a 9th grader

1 answer

Censorship in the Soviet Union had a bunch of effects. It controlled what info and ideas people had access to and stopped anyone who disagreed with the government from speaking out. It also made sure that the only stories being told were ones that made the Communist regime look good. Artists couldn't express themselves freely, the media was controlled, and anyone who challenged the government was silenced. Propaganda made people idolize Stalin and only hear what the state wanted them to. Censorship also forced non-Russian areas to follow Russian culture and made it hard for people to practice their own religions and cultures.