He is not my age.
He is the same age as me.
He is the same age as I.
We are of an age.
We are of the same age.
He and I are of an age.
He and I are of the same age.
He is as old as I.
(Are they all the same? Do I have to use 'I' or 'me'?)
1. What gread are you in?
I'm in the first grade.
I am a first grader in middle school.
2. What year are you in?
I'm in the first year.
I am a first year in middle school.
(Are they correct? Does #1 and #2 have the same meaning? Are they the same?)
3. What are you inerested in?
I am interested in collecting coins.
How about you? I am interested in reading newspapers.
What is your personality like?
I am kind of reserved. What about you?
I am outgoing, but I am a little reserved sometimes.
(I made a short dialogue. Are the expressions in #3 correct?)
2 answers
He is the same age as me.
He is the same age as I.
We are of an age.
We are of the same age.
He and I are of an age.
He and I are of the same age.
He is as old as I.
(Are they all the same? Do I have to use 'I' or 'me'?)
Use "I" not "me" - and the expression including "of" is not in everyday use. "We are the same age" is normal. How would you rephrase the others?
I am a first grader in middle school.
In the US, middle school usually starts with 6th or 7th grade, not 1st. Otherwise, these expressions are fine.
I am a first year student in middle school.
<b<Everything in #3 is correct. =)
He is the same age as me. (colloquial/informal)
He is the same age as I. ("am" is inferred.)
We are of an age. (not used)
We are of the same age. ("Of" not needed.)
He and I are of an age. (not used)
He and I are of the same age. ("Of" not needed.)
He is as old as I. ("am" is inferred.)
A "first grader" would be in the first year of elementary school.
The expressions in #3 are correct, but the listener is likely to be at a loss to respond to the question on personality. "Like" can be substituted for "am interested in."
I hope this helps. Thanks again for asking.