He grows wheat in his field

Change this voice

7 answers

Past tense: He grew wheat in his field.
Dr English (??) changed the tense, not the voice. He changed it from present tense to past tense.

"Voice" refers to active voice or passive voice. The original sentence is in active voice because the subject is doing the action of the verb. The directions would be stated better if they had said to change the voice from active to passive.

Active = Tom hit the baseball.
(Tom is the subject; Tom is doing the action.)

Passive = The baseball was hit by Tom.
("baseball" is the subject, but it's not doing the action. It's RECEIVING the action.)

Now, how will you change YOUR sentence from active to passive voice?
He grows wheat in his
Wheat in his field grown by him
Nsnssnsbhhc hxdjmrkjhdd nzsjjfhd dhdhhd xhd. d
In his fields wheat are grown by him.
Wheat is grown by him in his field.