he following sentence has a mistake.

It is very iportant to proofread all documents carefully.

To fix this mistake, you should _____.


place the cursor after the "i" in "iportant" and type an "m"
place the cursor after the "i" in "iportant" and type an "m"

place the cursor before the word "important", press Delete, and type a capital "I"
place the cursor before the word "important", press Delete, and type a capital "I"

place the cursor after the word "iportant" press Backspace six times and type an "m"
place the cursor after the word "iportant" press Backspace six times and type an "m"

put the cursor after the word "important" and add a comma

1 answer

The correct response to fix the mistake is:

place the cursor after the "i" in "iportant" and type an "m"

This will correct "iportant" to "important."