Harmony of the Heart: Unmasking Mariah Carey's Syntactic Mastery in Songs

Review of related literature

1 answer

Mariah Carey is renowned for her extraordinary vocal range and unique style in the world of music. However, her syntactic mastery in songwriting is often overlooked. This review of related literature aims to shed light on this lesser-known aspect of her genius.

The study of song lyrics as a form of poetry is not a new concept. Many scholars have examined the syntax and structure of various songwriters, but few have delved deeply into Mariah Carey's work. This review aims to fill that gap and highlight the significance of her syntactic choices.

One notable aspect of Carey's songwriting is her use of complex sentence structures. She often employs parallelism and balanced sentences to create a sense of rhythm and flow. This skill is evident in songs such as "Hero" and "Vision of Love," where the repetition of phrases adds emphasis and enhances the overall impact of the lyrics.

Another aspect of Carey's syntactic mastery is her ability to seamlessly incorporate metaphors and imagery into her songs. She skillfully weaves together both literal and figurative language to create vivid and evocative images in the minds of listeners. For example, in her song "Butterfly," she uses the metaphor of a butterfly to symbolize personal transformation and freedom.

Carey's command of syntax also extends to her use of rhyme and wordplay. She exhibits a keen sense of timing and phrasing, often matching the lyrics to the melodic structure of her songs. This can be observed in her hit single "Fantasy," where she effortlessly blends internal and end rhymes to create a catchy and memorable chorus.

Furthermore, Carey's syntactic choices reflect her emotional depth and vulnerability as a songwriter. She frequently employs fragmented sentences and ellipses to convey a sense of longing, heartache, and introspection. This can be seen in songs like "We Belong Together" and "Always Be My Baby," where her use of syntax enhances the emotional impact of the lyrics.

The impact of Mariah Carey's syntactic mastery in songwriting cannot be understated. Her ability to craft complex sentence structures, incorporate metaphors and wordplay, and evoke emotions through syntax sets her apart as a true artist. This review of related literature highlights the significance of studying her song lyrics as a form of poetry and encourages further exploration into her syntactic techniques.