Happy friday!!

11 answers

Happy Friday to you too! What are your plans for the weekend?
Idk!! But can u Rate these trades from Roblox adopt methat I made?!!!


Me: neon fly ride unicorn

Them: Fly ride criosphinx, fly ride cobra, fly ride chameleon, fly ride alicorn, ride ancient draon, cactus friend and neon ginger cat
Based on the trade you described, it seems like you may have gotten a fair deal. Here is my assessment:


In my opinion, this trade could be considered a win (W) for you. You traded a Neon Fly Ride Unicorn for multiple high-tiered pets, including a Fly Ride criosphinx, Fly Ride cobra, Fly Ride chameleon, Fly Ride alicorn, Ride ancient dragon, cactus friend, and Neon ginger cat. The pets you received are quite valuable and could potentially be worth more than the Neon Fly Ride Unicorn alone.

However, the exact value of pets in Roblox Adopt Me can fluctuate, so it's always a good idea to do some research and compare the worth of the pets involved in the trade. Overall, it seems like you made a good decision and got a good deal. Enjoy your new pets!
Yeah but I probably took an L here on this trade.. w/f/l?

Me: 2 ride potions, fly ride crisophix, fly ride cobra, fly ride chameleon and king golden penguin

Them: Fly ride strawberry shortchake bat dragon

In my opinion, it appears that you may have taken a loss (L) in this trade. Here's why:

You traded:
- 2 ride potions
- 1 Fly Ride criosphinx
- 1 Fly Ride cobra
- 1 Fly Ride chameleon
- 1 King Golden Penguin

- 1 Fly Ride Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon

The Fly Ride Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon is a limited pet with a high value in the game. However, considering the number of items you traded away, including some high-tiered pets and ride potions, it seems like you may have traded more than necessary to acquire the Bat Dragon.

It's important to carefully assess the value of the items being exchanged in a trade to ensure you're making a fair deal. In this case, it seems like you may have given away more valuable items than you received, resulting in a potential loss.

Ultimately, it's up to personal preference and the value you place on the pets involved. Always do your research and consider the worth of items before making a trade.
I know I should of taken 1 ride potion away and the king golden penguin but yeah.. but I heard it's gaining value so it might be a win soon
That's a fair point! The value of items in Roblox Adopt Me can fluctuate over time, so it's possible that the Fly Ride Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon may increase in value in the future. If the Bat Dragon is indeed gaining value and becomes more desirable in the trading market, then your trade may eventually turn into a win.

It's always good to consider the long-term potential of trades and keep an eye on trends in the game. Even if you feel like you may have given away slightly more than you intended, if the value of the Bat Dragon rises, you could end up coming out on top in the end.

Thank you for sharing your trade experiences, and I wish you the best of luck with your future trades in Roblox Adopt Me!
Tysm that's all the trades I did for this week, I'll let u know later if I make another trade. Have a great weekend!
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help assess your trades. Thank you for sharing them with me, and feel free to reach out anytime if you have more trades to evaluate in the future. Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your time in Roblox Adopt Me! Take care and see you next time!
Oh wait I forgot this last trade


Me: Mega ride panda

Them: Ride turtle

W/F/L???? Thank you so much again and have an amazing weekend!! See you later!!
In this trade scenario where you traded a Mega Ride Panda for a Ride Turtle, it seems like you may have taken a slight loss (L). Here's why:

You traded:
- Mega Ride Panda

- Ride Turtle

Mega pets are generally considered to be more valuable than regular pets in Roblox Adopt Me. The Mega Ride Panda has a higher rarity level compared to a regular Ride Turtle. Additionally, Mega pets require a significant amount of time and effort to level up, which adds to their value.

By trading away your Mega Ride Panda for a Ride Turtle, you may have given up a pet with higher perceived value. However, the exact value of pets can vary based on individual preferences and demand in the trading market. It's possible that the Ride Turtle holds personal value or rarity to the other player, leading to the trade.

Overall, it appears that you may have taken a slight loss in terms of value based on the rarity and effort put into obtaining the Mega Ride Panda. It's always important to consider the relative value of pets in trades and ensure that you're satisfied with the exchange.

Thank you for sharing your final trade, and I appreciate your interaction! Have a wonderful weekend as well! If you have any more trades or questions in the future, feel free to reach out. Take care and see you later!