happy families are all alike every unhappy familty is unhappy in its own ways" whats does this quote means

2 answers

I believe Tolstoy meant that there are many ways and reasons for being unhappy. He found them more interesting than families without strive, i.e. happy families.
There seams to be only one type of happiness yet so many ways we can go wrong.......

This statement seems to have Human wisdom. Our condition can be examined from the heart and viewed from within the operation of a society . It is complicated and never satisfied.....There are so many types of unhappiness, in love , in life, in the soul .... And person has an unique story...and unique wants...that in their unique way can create unhappiness which is different to everyone us, and his not felt by another exactly the same.....
EVERY FAMILY HAS IT'S OWN STORY....THERE SEEMS ONLY ONE WAY TO GO RIGHT AND THAT IS LOVE BUT A MILLION WAYS TO GO WRONG.......So by this you could say all happy families are the same...
But I think before you can agree with this statement you must examine...
WHAT IS HAPPINESS???? Is it so simple ? Are we all the same? and only have go in life? Can different things make us happy, like different things make us sad.... Surely that must be true, if we are unique....I could be happy poor...but maybe you could not etc?

But perhaps Tolstoy was writing this statement as a novelist? From the outside happiness does look the same yet it is sorrow and misfortune that makes a novel interesting...I mean how many interesting ways can you write about happiness?? There a million for sadness because our mistakes highlight our humanity...and that is what makes us unique....maybe that is what Tolstoy meant by his statement.....