handling common emergencies quiz

common emergencies include bones joints and muscle

1 answer

1. What is the first thing you should do if you suspect someone has a broken bone?

a) Try to move the bone back into place
b) Leave the person in their current position
c) Immobilize the area and call for help
d) Apply ice to the affected area

2. What is the RICE method typically used for?

a) Broken bones
b) Sprains and strains
c) Dislocations
d) Heart attack

3. In case of a dislocation, what should you do?

a) Try to force the joint back into place
b) Immobilize the joint and seek medical attention
c) Encourage the person to move the joint
d) Apply heat to the area

4. When should a tourniquet be used to control bleeding?

a) Only as a last resort
b) As the first step in treating a wound
c) When the bleeding is slow and steady
d) Never - tourniquets are too dangerous to use

5. What is the best position for someone experiencing shock?

a) Sitting upright
b) Laying flat on their back
c) Laying down with their feet elevated
d) Laying down with their head elevated

6. In case of a severe allergic reaction, what should be administered immediately, if available?

a) Aspirin
b) Benadryl
c) Epinephrine (EpiPen)
d) Ibuprofen

7. How should you respond if someone is choking and cannot breathe, talk, or make any sounds?

a) Give them a drink of water
b) Perform the Heimlich maneuver
c) Encourage them to cough harder
d) Wait and see if the object clears on its own

8. If someone has a severe burn, what should you NOT do?

a) Remove any clothing that is stuck to the burn
b) Run cool water over the burn or apply a cool, wet cloth
c) Cover the burn with a sterile, non-stick bandage
d) Place an ice pack on the burn

9. What is the first thing you should do if someone is having a seizure?

a) Try to hold them down to prevent injury
b) Clear the area around them of any objects
c) Insert a spoon or other object into their mouth to prevent biting the tongue
d) Immediately call for medical help

10. What should you do if someone is experiencing heat exhaustion?

a) Encourage them to drink lots of water
b) Move them to a cooler, shaded area and elevate their feet
c) Apply ice packs to their body
d) All of the above

Answers: 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - c, 6 - c, 7 - b, 8 - a, 9 - b, 10 - d