Haloacetic acids are the most acidic when the

molecule is

A. stable
B. unstable

dihedral angle is

A. intermediate
B. 0
C. 180

conformation is

C. neither

15 answers

people answer????
unstable, 180, syn. what did you get for 3,4,8,10?
Unstable, 180, SYN is wrong I think its ANTI
whats # 3
3 is 7, 8.7

who is sure about this one?

is it unstable 180 syn?
yes unstable 180 and ANTIIII
SYN is wrong, its Unstable, 180 (which are correct) and ANTI.

I did Unstable, 180, and SYN as someone suggested, but got 1 wrong, and I am sure 90% about unstable and 180 were right.
does anybody know the last pH calculation on number 4??

and anth is right
what's #10
180, Unstable, Anti are correct, just tried it.
180, unstable, and anti are the correct answers
180, unstable & anti(:
180, unstable, and anti worked for me too! :)
Unstable, 180, and anti are correct. Thanks!