Half of the following word groups are complete sentences. The other half contain fragments. Correct the fragments, and mark the complete sentences “OK.� Example:
1) When he was thirteen, Ringo had to go back into the hospital. And stay there for two years while doctors treated a lung condition.
Answer: When he was thirteen, Ringo had to go back into the hospital. Staying there for two years while doctors treated a lung condition.
2) At age �fteen, he worked at various jobs. But what he really liked best was playing the drums for his many fans.
ANSWER: At age �fteen, he worked at various jobs, but what he really liked best was playing the drums for his many fans.
3) Having taught himself on drums he bought on the installment plan, he played With different musical groups in Liverpool, including the Beatles
Answer: ok
4)When Ringo joined the Beatles, not everyone was sure that he could handle the job. For example, George Martin, a record producer who invited them to London to record an album.
Answer: When Ringo joined the Beatles, not everyone was sure that he could handle the job. For example, George Martin, a record producer who invited them to London to record an album.
Answer: Ok
1 answer
2 - yes
3 - capital With?
4 - no