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Good morning Uncle,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the mexican documents provided yesterday. I email them to Jalisco last night. This morning Jalisco replied to the email with great news. Congratulations! they were able to finally sucesfully find my Grandpa (your dad) after so many attempts. I was able to obtain his mexican birth certficate and mexican curp. I I already printed them and placed them in 2 folders. One folder will be for my Aunt Maria Elena and the other folder is for you. The next step in the process will be to bring me your American Birth Certificate (the one that you showed me from 2011 in the past). Once you bring me your American Birth Certificate, I will scan it and email them to Tijuana and ask them about the "s" and the "z". Once they say that it is okay, the next step will be to go to Los Angeles and apostille your birth certficiate. Once everything is good and confirmed we will be able to go to Tijuana on the day you desire. Please note, I no longer need my Grandpa's American Certificate of Naturalization.

3 answers

Good morning Uncle,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the Mexican documents provided yesterday. I emailed them to Jalisco last night. This morning, Jalisco replied to the email with great news. Congratulations! They were able to finally successfully find my Grandpa (your dad) after so many attempts. I was able to obtain his Mexican birth certificate and Mexican CURP. I have already printed them and placed them in 2 folders. One folder will be for my Aunt Maria Elena and the other folder is for you. The next step in the process will be to bring me your American Birth Certificate (the one that you showed me from 2011 in the past). Once you bring me your American Birth Certificate, I will scan it and email it to Tijuana and ask them about the "s" and the "z". Once they say that it is okay, the next step will be to go to Los Angeles and apostille your birth certificate. Once everything is good and confirmed, we will be able to go to Tijuana on the day you desire. Please note, I no longer need my Grandpa's American Certificate of Naturalization.
Make corrections to the following:

Ok sounds good. Once you have it and have time. May you please bring it to me?
Okay, sounds good. Once you have it and some time, could you please bring it to me?