Does the coach count as one round? If so, the nth round has 3^n calls.
If not, then the nth round has 3*3^n calls
Hadley's softball team has a phone tree in case a game is canceled. The coach calls 3 players. Then each of those players calls 3 players, and so on. How many players will be notified during the third round of calls? Please help answer
4 answers
I actually have the same math book. the answer is 119. If you have any other questions, I finished my WHOLE math book, sssooooooo...yeah.
Asking for third round only. Answer is 27. Those 3 players called 3 other individual players.
Updated: Asking for third round only. Answer is 27. Coached called 3 players. Those 3 players called 3 other individual players, and then those 9 players called 3 other individual players. 3^3=27