Had The Same Teacher For Physics And Ughh I Am Stuck. Notes Help Me A Lot So If Anyone Could Write A Few Or A Bunch Out That Would Be Awesome. I Am Not The Type Of A Person Who Minds Writing Down Notes;)

Teacher Told Us About Work And That The Formula For It Is W = Fd. IS It?

Then We Also Got Told About Power. And Formula For That Is. W/t. W is Fd So Have To Do More Work Here To Get The Answer.

I Also Managed To Do Some Questions But Want To Make Sure I Did Them Right.

A force of 825 N is needed to push a car across a lot. Two students push the car 35m.

A. How much work is done?
B. After a rainstorm, the force needed to push the car doubled because the ground became soft. By what amount does the work done by the students change?

A. 28875J
B. 57750J

A delivery clerk carries a 34-N package from the ground to the fifth floor of an office building, a total height of 15m. How much work is done by the clerk?

Would it be zero??

What work is done by a fork life raising a 583-kg box 1.2m?

W = fd
W = (5719)(1.2)
W = 6863J

And If You're Wondering How I Got The Force Well I Multiplied Mass By Gravity.

U And A Friend each carry identical boxes to a room one floor above you and down the hall. U choose to carry it first up the stairs, then down the hall. Your friend carries it down the hall, then up another stairwell? Who does more work?

I think they both do the same amount of work just during different times..