just in general
when I'm asked to sovle for X in a equation that is set to zero it's not really set to zero at all is it???
X^2 + 4X - 1 = 0
really what this is saying
X^2 + 4X - 1 = dy
h t t p : / / w w w . j i s k h a . c o m / d i s p l a y . c g i ? i d = 1 2 6 2 5 5 3 0 8 2
2 answers
The solution to
X^2 + 4X - 1 = 0
The equation is a quadratic in x.
If the equation is given as
X^2 + 4X - 1 = dx
it is missing something, because dx is a differential quantity while the left hand side is a full quantity.
Can you check your question and post again.
You can also help by telling to which course the question belongs, Calculus I, II or III or algebra.
X^2 + 4X - 1 = 0
The equation is a quadratic in x.
If the equation is given as
X^2 + 4X - 1 = dx
it is missing something, because dx is a differential quantity while the left hand side is a full quantity.
Can you check your question and post again.
You can also help by telling to which course the question belongs, Calculus I, II or III or algebra.