A - 2564
B - 2276
C - 2184
D - 1160
I think it's C
H t t p s : // w w w . C o n n e x u s .c o m / content / media / 975134-7312013-31730- PM - 451627306. jpg with out the spaces
What is the surface area of the given figure?
10 cm
26 cm
36 cm
28 cm
Please help -*-
9 answers
sorry - can't log in
It's ok. It looks like a rectanglar pyramid but long and skinny. If you don't know the answers I'll take a wild guess >_<
since you don't give me any of the dimensions, how can I possibly guess?
I did, but I probably did it wrong. I'm not good with naming them. Give me a second and I think I can give them to you.
Ok so it's a triangular pyramid. My bad
L = 36 cm
B = 26 cm
W1 = 28 cm
W2 = 10 cm
I'm sorry I hope this helps
B = 26 cm
W1 = 28 cm
W2 = 10 cm
I'm sorry I hope this helps
which sides are the triangular base?
Is one value the altitude, or a slant height?
Is one value the altitude, or a slant height?
At any rate, I assume you can find the area of a triangle, given its sides. The surface of the pyramid is just the sum of the areas of the triangular faces.