Gross motor development - describe and provide an example. With references

1 answer

Gross motor development refers to the improvement of large muscle groups and the ability to control movements such as crawling, standing, walking, running, jumping, and throwing. It involves the development of coordination, balance, strength, and overall physical ability.

During infancy, gross motor development includes milestones such as lifting and turning the head, rolling over, crawling, pulling to stand, and eventually walking. As infants grow older and develop stronger muscles and better balance, they are able to participate in more complex gross motor activities like jumping, skipping, and riding a bike.

For example, a baby developing gross motor skills may start by lifting their head when lying on their tummy, which then progresses to rolling over, sitting up unassisted, crawling, and finally standing and walking with support. As they become more proficient, they gain the strength and balance needed to take independent steps and explore their environment.

According to research, gross motor development is influenced by various factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental stimulation, and opportunities for physical activities. It is crucial for children to have a variety of movement experiences and play opportunities to enhance their gross motor skills. Providing safe and supportive environments is essential for allowing children to explore and practice their physical abilities.

1. Blumenfeld H. (2010). Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases. Sinauer Associates.
2. Laudicina, N.M. et al. (2018). Developmental coordination disorder and its association with developmental comorbidities in elementary schoolchildren. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 30(8), 1053-1057.
3. Ulrich, D.A. (2000). Test of Gross Motor Development–2nd Edition (TGMD-2) supplementary guide. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.