GRENDEL: An impossible task, for I will destroy you first, stupid one.
(GRENDEL begins backing 1ST WARRIOR into a corner.)
1ST WARRIOR: I warn you to keep your distance; my sword is sharp and
GRENDEL: My fangs and claws are stronger. (He takes the sword from
1ST WARRIOR and backs him offstage.) Your weapon is of no use to
you. Neither are your screams
What central idea does the playwright communicate in this excerpt?
a. The playwright communicates that Grendel will be a hero.
b. The playwright communicates that Grendel is the stronger character.
c. The playwright communicates that the warrior will be persistent.
d. The playwright communicates that the story will have a happy ending.
1 answer
b. The playwright communicates that Grendel is the stronger character.