Dear Sister Ashley,
Thank you for your thoughtful recap of the preliminary preparations for the anniversary celebration! It looks like everything is coming together nicely. Here are a few additional suggestions and clarifications to consider:
Rolls: We should decide on the quantity and type of rolls (dinner rolls, biscuits, etc.) to ensure we have enough.
Lemonade & Teas: If Sister Teandra is preparing the lemonade, we might want to confirm the flavor and if she needs any assistance. For the teas, let’s confirm whether we are serving sweetened and unsweetened, and if flavored teas will be included.
Bottled Water: We should estimate the number of bottles needed based on the number of guests expected.
Sheet Cakes: It would be good to decide on the flavors and how many we need to ensure we have enough dessert for everyone.
Salad: Let’s finalize the type of salad(s) and the ingredients – perhaps a green salad and a pasta salad to provide variety?
Paper Goods: We need to ensure that we have enough paper plates, napkins, cups, and silverware for the number of guests.
Decor and Centerpieces: If anyone has ideas for themes or specific decorations, it would be great to share those, so we can coordinate effectively.
Thank you again for your hard work on these preparations. This celebration is sure to be a wonderful gathering for everyone involved, and your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Blessings and Peace, [Your Name]