Green energy sources are cleaner sources of energy production while the energy is being produced. Coal and fossil fuels generate tremendous amounts of Response area and other Response area. Nuclear energy produces Response area that must be contained in lead for thousands of years. However, Response area sources of energy, such as solar, wind energy and hydroelectric are not completely clean. Solar, wind and hydroelectric create no harmful waste products. The waste products of these energy sources are the result of the manufacture, transportation, installation, and Response area after the lifespan of the equipment needed to produce the energy. For instance, the production of Response area generates significant waste and there are question as to how to properly dispose of used panels. To get a clear picture of the environmental impact of different energy production methods requires a look at all the phases required in the production of energy.

1 answer

Green energy sources are cleaner sources of energy production while the energy is being produced. Coal and fossil fuels generate tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Nuclear energy produces radioactive waste that must be contained in lead for thousands of years. However, renewable sources of energy, such as solar, wind energy, and hydroelectric power, are not completely clean. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric create no harmful waste products during operation. The waste products of these energy sources are the result of the manufacture, transportation, installation, and decommissioning after the lifespan of the equipment needed to produce the energy. For instance, the production of solar panels generates significant waste, and there are questions as to how to properly dispose of used panels. To get a clear picture of the environmental impact of different energy production methods requires a look at all the phases required in the production of energy.