Great topics to write a presentation about in the progressive era.

5 answers

1. Women's Suffrage
2. Child Labor Laws
3. Prohibition and Temperance Movement
4. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
5. The Conservation Movement and National Parks
6. The Role of Muckraking Journalism
7. The Roosevelt Corollary and American Imperialism
8. The Pure Food and Drug Act
9. The Meat Inspection Act
10. The Formation of Labor Unions
11. The Haymarket Riot and Labor Relations
12. The Settlement House Movement and Social Reform
13. The Pullman Strike and Railroad Regulation
14. The Creation of the Federal Reserve System
15. The Panama Canal and Global Trade.
Three main topics about Women's Sufferage during the progressive Era.
1. Suffrage Tactics and Strategies: This topic could explore the various tactics and strategies employed by women suffragists including picketing, protests, and lobbying. It could also focus on the National Woman's Party's more militant tactics and contrast them with the more peaceful tactics of other organizations.

2. Key Figures in the Suffrage Movement: This topic could explore the key figures in the suffrage movement including Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul, and Carrie Chapman Catt. It could examine their roles in the movement and the impact of their leadership on women's suffrage.

3. The Relationship Between Suffrage and Other Progressive Reforms: This topic could explore the relationship between the suffrage movement and other progressive reforms such as child labor laws, temperance, and labor rights. It could examine how the suffrage movement intersected and sometimes conflicted with these other reforms, and how they ultimately helped to shape each other.
Three main but simple topics about Women's Sufferage during the progressive Era.
1. Overview of Women's Suffrage: This topic could provide a broad overview of women's suffrage during the progressive era, including the key events, leaders, and outcomes of the movement.

2. Obstacles to Women's Suffrage: This topic could focus on the various obstacles that women faced in achieving suffrage during this time period, such as social norms and cultural prejudices, political opposition, and legal barriers.

3. Impact of Women's Suffrage: This topic could explore the impact that women's suffrage had on American society, including changes in women's political, social, and economic status, as well as the broader cultural and political shifts that resulted from women's increased involvement in public life.