Graph title in the correct format (1 pt), with the correct variables identified in the appropriate order (2 pts), and wording that makes logical, grammatical sense and includes the word electromagnet (1 pt)
The graph size is appropriate for the size of the graph paper (1 pt)
The x and y axes are labeled with the name and units of each variable (4 pts)
The independent and dependent variables are assigned to the appropriate axes (2 pts)
The scaling of each axis is appropriate and has consistent intervals starting at zero on both axes (6 pts)
The points are plotted correctly (2 pts)
There is a trendline or line of best fit for each set of data applied (2 pts)
There is a legend or key to distinguish between the 2 different lines (2 pts)
Each line has its own identity (i.e. color) (2 pts)
describe how to graph the following scenarios
A group of students has been testing electromagnets in the lab. They made an electromagnet by wrapping copper wire around a nail. For one set of tests, they wrapped the wire around the nail 25 times. For the second set of tests, they wrapped the wire around the nail 50 times. They also have 8 different batteries: 1.5 V, 3.0 V, 4.5 V, 6.0 V, 7.5 V, 9.0 V, 10.5 V, and 12.0 V. They use their electromagnets to see how many paper clips each can pick up.
For the 25-turn electromagnet, three trials were conducted at each voltage.
Battery Voltage
Number of Paper Clips Picked Up
First Trial
Second Trial
Third Trial
1.5 V
3.0 V
4.5 V
6.0 V
7.5 V
9.0 V
10.5 V
12.0 V
For the 50-turn electromagnet, three trials were conducted at each voltage.
Battery Voltage
Number of Paper Clips Picked Up
First Trial
Second Trial
Third Trial
1.5 V
3.0 V
4.5 V
6.0 V
7.5 V
9.0 V
10.5 V
12.0 V
7 answers
- Independent Variable: Battery Voltage (V)
- Dependent Variable: Number of Paper Clips Picked Up
The graph should be appropriately sized for the graph paper, with labeled x and y axes indicating the name and units of each variable. The independent variable (Battery Voltage) should be on the x-axis, while the dependent variable (Number of Paper Clips Picked Up) should be on the y-axis.
The scaling of each axis should start at zero with consistent intervals. The points from the data trials should be plotted correctly for both sets of tests (25-turn electromagnet and 50-turn electromagnet). A trendline or line of best fit should be applied to each set of data, and there should be a legend or key to distinguish between the two lines.
Each line on the graph should have its own identity, such as a different color, to easily differentiate between the 25-turn and 50-turn electromagnet data.
1. Create the graph with a title "Relationship Between Battery Voltage and Number of Paper Clips Picked Up by Electromagnets".
2. Label the x-axis as "Battery Voltage (V)" and the y-axis as "Number of Paper Clips Picked Up".
3. Scale the x-axis from 0 to 12 with consistent intervals of 1 for Battery Voltage. Scale the y-axis from 0 to 100 with consistent intervals of 10 for Number of Paper Clips Picked Up.
4. Plot the points for the 25-turn electromagnet data:
- For each battery voltage, plot the average number of paper clips picked up (average of the three trials) on the graph using different colors for each point.
5. Connect the points for the 25-turn electromagnet data with a line of best fit that shows the general trend of the data. The line should go from bottom left to top right if there is a positive correlation.
6. Plot the points for the 50-turn electromagnet data:
- For each battery voltage, plot the average number of paper clips picked up (average of the three trials) on the graph using different colors for each point.
7. Connect the points for the 50-turn electromagnet data with a line of best fit that shows the general trend of the data. The line should also go from bottom left to top right if there is a positive correlation.
By following these steps, you should have a comprehensive graph illustrating the relationship between battery voltage and the number of paper clips picked up by electromagnets for both the 25-turn and 50-turn electromagnets.
25-Turn Electromagnet Data:
- 1.5 V: (5 + 7 + 6) / 3 = 6
- 3.0 V: (12 + 12 + 14) / 3 = 12.67 (rounded to 13)
- 4.5 V: (14 + 17 + 16) / 3 = 15.67 (rounded to 16)
- 6.0 V: (20 + 26 + 25) / 3 = 23.67 (rounded to 24)
- 7.5 V: (29 + 32 + 28) / 3 = 29.67 (rounded to 30)
- 9.0 V: (34 + 36 + 36) / 3 = 35.33 (rounded to 35)
- 10.5 V: (40 + 40 + 41) / 3 = 40.33 (rounded to 40)
- 12.0 V: (45 + 42 + 46) / 3 = 44.33 (rounded to 44)
50-Turn Electromagnet Data:
- 1.5 V: (10 + 16 + 11) / 3 = 12.33 (rounded to 12)
- 3.0 V: (28 + 24 + 31) / 3 = 27.67 (rounded to 28)
- 4.5 V: (30 + 32 + 36) / 3 = 32.67 (rounded to 33)
- 6.0 V: (44 + 50 + 42) / 3 = 45.33 (rounded to 45)
- 7.5 V: (57 + 51 + 50) / 3 = 52.67 (rounded to 53)
- 9.0 V: (68 + 78 + 69) / 3 = 71.67 (rounded to 72)
- 10.5 V: (80 + 76 + 76) / 3 = 77.33 (rounded to 77)
- 12.0 V: (91 + 90 + 92) / 3 = 91
These average numbers represent the central tendency of the data for each battery voltage and each set of tests conducted with the 25-turn and 50-turn electromagnets.
25-Turn Electromagnet Data:
1. For each battery voltage, calculate the average of the three trials:
- 1.5 V: (5 + 7 + 6) / 3 = 6
- 3.0 V: (12 + 12 + 14) / 3 = 13.33 (rounded to 13)
- 4.5 V: (14 + 17 + 16) / 3 = 15.67 (rounded to 16)
- 6.0 V: (20 + 26 + 25) / 3 = 23.67 (rounded to 24)
- 7.5 V: (29 + 32 + 28) / 3 = 29.67 (rounded to 30)
- 9.0 V: (34 + 36 + 36) / 3 = 35.33 (rounded to 35)
- 10.5 V: (40 + 40 + 41) / 3 = 40.33 (rounded to 40)
- 12.0 V: (45 + 42 + 46) / 3 = 44.33 (rounded to 44)
50-Turn Electromagnet Data:
2. For each battery voltage, calculate the average of the three trials:
- 1.5 V: (10 + 16 + 11) / 3 = 12.33 (rounded to 12)
- 3.0 V: (28 + 24 + 31) / 3 = 27.67 (rounded to 28)
- 4.5 V: (30 + 32 + 36) / 3 = 32.67 (rounded to 33)
- 6.0 V: (44 + 50 + 42) / 3 = 45.33 (rounded to 45)
- 7.5 V: (57 + 51 + 50) / 3 = 52.67 (rounded to 53)
- 9.0 V: (68 + 78 + 69) / 3 = 71.67 (rounded to 72)
- 10.5 V: (80 + 76 + 76) / 3 = 77.33 (rounded to 77)
- 12.0 V: (91 + 90 + 92) / 3 = 91
These calculations provide the average number of paper clips picked up for each battery voltage based on the trials conducted for the 25-turn and 50-turn electromagnets.