Graph the following equations; calculate the slope, x-intercept, and y-intercept, and label the intercepts on the graph.
1. A temperature of 41 degrees F is equivalent to 278.2 degrees K, while a temperature of 86 degrees F is equivalent to 303.2 degrees K. Find the equation converting Kelvin temperature to Fahrenheit. What is the Fahrenheit temperature when it is 180 degrees K?
2. A semiconductor manufacturer seeks to maximize its profits. Testing indicates that they can produce 100,000 chips per week at a cost of $40 per chip, and sell them for $65 per chip. They also find that they can produce 125,000 chips per week at a cost of $35 per chip, and sell them for $63 per chip. How much profit can they expect to earn if they produce 130,000 chips per week?
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