Grammar and Punctuation Online Practice

Complete this assessment to review what you’ve learned. It will not count toward your grade.
1 of 141 of 14 Items
In which sentence does the subject agree with the verb?(1 point)

The flock of sheep scurry down the path, nudged on by the border collies running beside them.
The flock of sheep scurry down the path, nudged on by the border collies running beside them. - no response given

A band of coyotes roam the forest next to the lake, occasionally coming to the shore for a drink.
A band of coyotes roam the forest next to the lake, occasionally coming to the shore for a drink. - no response given

The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds.
The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds. - no response given

A herd of elephants move slowly across the savanna, the youngest weaving between legs of their mothers.

1 answer

A herd of elephants move slowly across the savanna, the youngest weaving between legs of their mothers. - no response given