Graded mode is used for questions that count toward your grade, unlike Practice mode. Graded questions can be set in Grade It Now mode or not in Grade It Now mode. If they are not Grade It Now, you will receive feedback either upon submission or at the due date, depending on which setting your instructor has chosen. Note that these kinds of graded questions can be timed or not timed.

Read the following passage and then, answer the questions that follow.
• Graded at Due Date mode allows you to attempt only one variation of a question, which is graded at the deadline chosen by your instructor. In this mode, you have the option to modify your answer multiple times before the deadline, but you will not be able to view the correct answers or the feedback until the deadline passes. Be sure to finalize your response before the deadline by selecting the Save & Continue button because you will not be able to attempt the question again once it has been graded. After the deadline passes, you can return to the question and review the explanations to help you understand why your answers were right or wrong. Questions in Graded at Due Date mode may be randomized (so that every student in the class will see a different variation of the question), or they may not.
• In Graded Upon Submission mode, you will receive feedback and get your answers graded immediately at the time you submit them.
• Questions in Timed mode must be answered within a time frame specified by your instructor. For example, the instructor may give you one hour to complete an assignment from start to finish.
Using the dropdown menus, select the blank lines, and choose the answers that best complete the sentence.
For Graded at Due Date questions, the questions will be graded (at the exact moment of the deadline) or (when you select Save & Continue), and you (will not) or (will) be able to try a question again after it is graded.
What does it mean for a question to be randomized?
Some students won’t be allowed to answer questions.
Every student in the class will see a different variation of the question.
Only one variation of a question is seen by all students.

1 answer

For Graded at Due Date questions, the questions will be graded at the exact moment of the deadline, and you will not be able to try a question again after it is graded.

What does it mean for a question to be randomized? Every student in the class will see a different variation of the question.