Grade 3 mathematics lesson plan

1 answer

Title: Introduction to Multiplication

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the concept of multiplication and accurately solve multiplication problems using basic multiplication facts.

- Multiplication flashcards
- Whiteboard and markers
- Multiplication worksheets

Opening (5 minutes):
1. Begin the lesson by reviewing addition with the students. Ask them to solve a simple addition problem, such as 3 + 4.
2. Explain that multiplication is a quicker way to add multiple numbers together.
3. Introduce the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. For example, 3 x 4 can be thought of as 3 + 3 + 3 + 3.

Body (20 minutes):
1. Show a multiplication flashcard to the students and ask them how they can solve the problem.
2. Practice solving simple multiplication problems on the whiteboard with the students, such as 2 x 3 = __ and 4 x 5 = __.
3. Have the students work in pairs to solve multiplication problems using flashcards.
4. Give each student a multiplication worksheet to complete independently. Circulate the room to provide assistance and guidance as needed.

Closing (5 minutes):
1. Review the concept of multiplication with the students and ask them to share one thing they learned about multiplication today.
2. Have students volunteer to solve a few multiplication problems on the whiteboard for the class to check their understanding.
3. Assign a few additional multiplication problems for students to complete as homework.

- Observe students as they work on multiplication problems during the lesson to assess their understanding.
- Review completed multiplication worksheets to check for accuracy and identify any areas that may need further reinforcement.