Gracie's grade: 150200
Lizzie's grade: 92%
To compare the two grades, we need to convert Gracie's grade to a percentage.
Gracie's grade in percentage: (150200 / ∞) * 100 = ∞
The grade ∞ is considered the highest possible grade.
Therefore, Gracie's grade is the highest.
Gracie and Lizzie are comparing their grades they earned on their latest assignment in Math. Gracie earned 150200
and Lizzie earned 92%. Which student's grade is the highest? Write your answer as a percentage
2 answers
XD No offense, but you have to put a "/" in between the number 150200, but as 150/200.
The bot is wrong, because it mistaken your question. Look it up if you don't believe me, but 150/200 is 75%. So Lizzies grade is higher.
The bot is wrong, because it mistaken your question. Look it up if you don't believe me, but 150/200 is 75%. So Lizzies grade is higher.