Here's a structured approach to help you develop your portfolio for Unit 5 Lesson 12. You can fill in your thoughts based on the key issues you've identified:
1. Classifying Issues
- State issues: Gun Rights and Control, Abortion, Universal Basic Income, Universal Health Care, Decriminalization of some drugs (marijuana, THC, etc)
- Federal issues: Climate Change, Racial Equity, Women’s Rights, LGBTQ rights, Voting Rights
- Both state and federal issues: Gun Rights and Control, Abortion, Voting Rights, Universal Basic Income, Universal Health Care, Decriminalization of some drugs
2. Selected Issue
3. Importance of the Issue
I think abortion is primarily a state issue because many states have different laws and regulations regarding access to abortion services. This issue is crucial as it directly affects women's rights, health care access, and personal autonomy.
4. Potential Effects on People
- Access to Healthcare: Restrictive laws can limit access to safe abortion services, leading to health risks for women.
- Economic Impact: Women who are unable to access abortion may face financial instability, affecting their ability to work or support their families.
- Social Stigma: The issue can create social stigma for women who seek abortions, impacting their mental health and community relationships.
- Legal Consequences: Changes in legislation can lead to criminal charges against providers or women, affecting personal freedoms.
5. Different Opinions on Policies
- Opinion A: Supporters of reproductive rights argue for access to safe and legal abortion as a fundamental human right and essential for women's health.
- Opinion B: Opponents, including some religious and pro-life groups, believe that life begins at conception and view abortion as morally unacceptable.
6. Special Interest Groups
a. Planned Parenthood - Advocates for reproductive rights, including access to abortion services. b. National Right to Life - Focuses on opposing abortion and promoting pro-life policies.
7. Personal Action Steps
- Local: Volunteer with or donate to local organizations that provide support and resources for women seeking reproductive health services.
- State: Advocate for or support local legislation that protects women's access to reproductive health care services.
- Federal: Participate in national campaigns, call representatives, or join organizations that lobby for or against federal abortion legislation.
Feel free to elaborate on these points based on your personal insights and the resources you've studied!