Going to a new school after moving to a new country can be exciting, but also overwhelming and confusing. I had just finished my first grade in India, so when I arrived in U.S.A., I was going to attend second grade. I remember my first day in school and my mom had just dropped me off at the front of the building. As I turned around after saying my “goodbyes”, my heart started to beat faster and faster and felt a knot forming in my stomach. I was afraid of being left out because of my inability to communicate. Some students assumed that I did not understand them completely, so they started being rude towards me. The truth is I did understand them, not completely, but enough to get the message. I spent at least two weeks of school sitting all alone by myself at lunch watching the kids play jump rope or tag while I ate my sandwich. I went home frustrated everyday complaining to my parents about how much I hated school and how I missed all my friends in India. My parents convinced me to give it some time and I took their advice which paid off. Over time, my English improved and I was one of the fastest readers in class. Even when I didn’t volunteer to read out loud, the other students volunteered me their selves. I started getting 100 percent on my quizzes and everyone thought I was a genius. Not so long, I started making more friends and felt happy because I was enjoying school. Not only did I get used to my everyday life at home, but I got used to my outside life at school. As much fun as making and meeting new friends was, adapting to the school environment was the most difficult stage I experience during this transition.
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