Job Title: Aerospace Engineer
Facility Name: NASA Langley Research Center
Facility Location: Hampton, VA
Is the job permanent, term or an internship? Permanent
Salary: $87,844 - $144,276
Type of College Degree Required: Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering or related field.
Job Title: Aerospace Technologist
Facility Name: NASA Johnson Space Center
Facility Location: Houston, TX
Is the job permanent, term or an internship? Permanent
Salary: $87,844 - $144,276
Type of College Degree Required: Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering or related field.
Job Title: Aerospace Research Scientist
Facility Name: NASA Ames Research Center
Facility Location: Moffett Field, CA
Is the job permanent, term or an internship? Permanent
Salary: $87,844 - $144,276
Type of College Degree Required: Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering or related field.
Go to the attached website. Select “About” and then “Careers @ NASA.” Finally, “Click Here to Search Jobs.” Select a career and answer the following questions. Since I know where your information is coming from, you may cut & paste information from the website. Complete the questionnaire for 3 jobs.
Job Title
Facility Name
Facility Location
Is the job permanent, term or an internship? (circle one) Salary
Type of College Degree Required
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