Glucose is a carbon-based, organic food molecule, sometimes simply referred to as sugar. Plants produce glucose during the process of photosynthesis. Glucose can be broken down into smaller carbon-based molecules, releasing energy, and rearranged to form other food molecules, such as starches, proteins, fats, and many other molecules organisms need to survive. Starches, proteins, and fats can also be broken down to release energy and make smaller carbon-based molecules.
Most organisms
the bonds of food molecules to make smaller carbon-based molecules and to
energy. These smaller molecules can undergo chemical reactions to rearrange and form new molecules the organism needs to survive and grow. The energy
can be used for these chemical reactions or for other life processes.
1 answer
use the bonds of food molecules to make smaller carbon-based molecules and to release energy. This energy can be used for these chemical reactions or for other life processes.