It seems like you are referencing the motivations behind European exploration and colonization during the Age of Exploration, often summarized as "God, Gold, and Glory." Here's a brief elaboration on each of those points:
God (Spread Christianity to Natives): One of the primary motivations for many European explorers and colonizers was the desire to spread Christianity, particularly Catholicism, to indigenous populations. Missionary work was often seen as a divine duty, with the goal of converting native peoples and saving their souls. This aspect of colonization often justified the subjugation and assimilation of indigenous cultures.
Gold (Acquire Wealth for the Mother Country): The pursuit of wealth was a significant driving force behind exploration. European nations sought to acquire precious metals like gold and silver, as well as other resources such as spices, sugar, and later, cash crops like tobacco and cotton. This wealth was intended to enrich the mother country and enhance its power and influence in the world. Trade routes and colonies were established to facilitate this wealth generation.
Glory (Expand Empire by Claiming New Territory): National pride and the desire for political power motivated many explorations. European nations competed to expand their empires, claiming new lands and territories for themselves. This expansion was often seen as a measure of a nation's greatness and prestige. Explorers aimed to achieve fame for their discoveries, contributing to the glorification of their monarchs and countries.
Together, these motivations fueled the exploration and colonization efforts that dramatically altered the Americas and other parts of the world, leading to significant cultural exchanges, conflicts, and long-lasting impacts on global history.