Given the vectors below, determine the resultant and the equilibrant using trigonometry. Show all your steps.

330.0 newtons @ 125 degrees
250.0 newtons @ 60.0 degrees

1 answer

Fr = 330[125o] + 250[60o] = Resultant force.

X = 330*Cos125 + 250*Cos60 = -64.3 N.
Y = 330*sin125 + 250*sin60 = 487 N.

Tan A = Y/X = 487/-64.3 = -7.57387.
A = -82.5o = 82.5o N. of W. = 97.5o CCW.

Fr=Y/sin A = 487/sin97.5 = 491 N.[97.5o}

Fr + Fe = 0, Fe = -Fr.
Fe = -(-64.3 + 487i) = 64.3 - 487i =
491[82.5o] S. of E. = 491 N.[277.5o]CCW.
= Equilibrant force.

Or Fe=-Fr=Fr[97.5o+180o] = 491N.[277.5]