Given the premises, discuss whether the conclusion of each argument that
follows is (a) true beyond a reasonable doubt, (b) probably true, or (c) possibly true or possibly false. Can someone please check these for me to see if I am on the right track please!!!!! Thanks.
1. The annual rainfall in California’s north valley averages twenty-three
inches. So the rainfall next year will be twenty-three inches.
Exercise #1 Answer.
Possibly true; annually rain fall average twenty-three inches, it is quite possible that the rain fall will be the same next year.
2. You expect to get forty miles to the gallon in that? Why, that old wreck has a monster V8; besides, it’s fifty years old and needs an overhaul.
Answer. Probably true; it is possibly that old wreck could give forty miles to the gallon even though it needs overhaul it has a monster V8the old wreck has a monster V8.
3. In three of the last four presidential races, the winner of the Iowa Republican
Primary has not captured the Republican nomination. Therefore, the winner of the next Iowa Republican primary will not capture the Republican nomination.
Answer: Possibly false: there is no guarantee that the republican s will not capture the primary. Elections results depend on who the people desire to win
4. The number of cellular telephones has increased dramatically in each of
the past few years. Therefore there will be even more of them in use this
coming year.
Answer: True beyond a reasonably doubt; it maybe that technology has been increasing and we have seen the demands for cellular phone increasing as more and more people are buying phone.
5. Since the graduates of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and other Ivy League
schools generally score higher on the Graduate Record Examination than
students from Central State, it follows that the Ivy League schools do
more toward educating their students than Central State does.
Answer: Possibly true : a school that score higher on the Graduate Record Examination maybe doing more in educating their students.
6. Michael Jackson has had more plastic surgery than anybody else in
California. You can bet he’s had more than anybody in Connecticut!
Answer ; Possibly false. Since Michael Jackson does not live in Connecticut it is not likely that he has done more surgery that anybody living in Connecticut.
7. When liquor was banned in 1920, hospitalizations for alcoholism and
related diseases plummeted; in 1933, when Prohibition was repealed,
alcohol-related illnesses rose sharply again. Legalization of cocaine,
heroin, and marijuana would not curb abuse of those substances.
Answer: Probable true, Since alcohol- related illness rose sharply, it is possible that legislation will not curb abuse of cocaine, heroin and marijuana.
8. Relax. The kid’s been delivering the paper for, how long? Three, four
years maybe? And not once has she missed us. The paper will be here, just wait and see. She’s just been delayed for some reason.
Answer: True beyond a reasonable doubt: it may be that she is delayed for some reason, but as long as she has never missed a day in the three to four years you need to relax.