given the following electronegativities Na=0.9, H=2.1, Cl=3.0 which of the following statements is true?
H2,Cl2, and HCl are polar covalent molecules
NaCl is a polar covalent compound and HCl is an ionic compound
HCl is a nonpolar covalent compound and Cl2 is a polar covalent molecule
Cl2 is a nonpolar covalent molecule and HCl is a polar covalent molecule
please explain why. I am having a hard time comprehending this stuff
3 answers
Subtract to obtain the delta EN. Delta EN of about 1.8 or so is about 50/50.
Cl2 is nonpolar and HCl is polar because electronegative increases form left to right and decreases going down the periodic table.Also,Cl2 is diatomic and diatomics are nonpolar.