Given a time in the 12 hour format with the suffix, either AM/PM, convert that into a 24 hour format. 12 hour format is hours:minutes:seconds followed by AM or PM, where the hours range is from 0 to 12, minutes range is from 0 to 59, second range is from 0 to 59. 24 hours format is hours:minutes and seconds, where hours range is from 0 to 23, minutes range is from 0 to 59, seconds range is from 0 to 59. All the three components: hours, minutes and seconds are represented in the two digit format
NOTE. Midnight is 12'o clock is 12:00:00AM in the 12 hour format and it is 00:00:00 in 24 hour format. 12 noon is 12:00:00PM in the 12 hour format and it is 12:00:00 in the 24 hour format
for example if input is 07:05:45 PM then the output is 19:05:45 and if the input is 07:05:45 AM then the output is 07:05:45
input format:
Time in 12 hour format with suffix, either AM or PM
Output format:
Print time in 24 hour format
Boundary Condition
0< hour, minute and seconds < 60
Meridian Should be either “AM” or “PM”