
|4 -2| X = 2|-4 -4|
|-1 1| | 2 2|
What is X?

I solved this and couldn't get an answer - that is, the result was undefined/null, as it didn't like how the multiplication worked. I got this for every way I tried doing it, including by transposing the matrices and solving as per usual solve equation.

Is it actually just an equation with no answer, or am I missing something?

3 answers

If you write this as

AX = B


X = A-1B
A-1 =
(1 1)
(1 2)

now just crank it out.
oops - misspoke:
A-1 =
1/2 (1 2)
(1 4)

So, X =
(0 0)
(4 4)

Oooh, I forgot about inverse matrices. Thank you!