Give the construction of Glass electrode

1 answer

The construction of a glass electrode typically includes the following components:

1. Glass membrane: The glass membrane is usually made of a special glass composition that is selective to hydrogen ions. It is typically spherical in shape and is filled with a neutral buffer solution.

2. Reference electrode: The glass electrode also contains a reference electrode, usually made of a silver-silver chloride wire, which provides a stable reference potential for the measurement.

3. Electrolyte solution: The glass electrode is filled with an electrolyte solution, usually potassium chloride, that helps to maintain a stable potential difference between the glass membrane and the reference electrode.

4. Connecting cable: The glass electrode is connected to a pH meter or other measuring device via a connecting cable, which allows the measurement of the potential difference between the glass membrane and the reference electrode.

Overall, the construction of a glass electrode is designed to provide a stable and accurate measurement of pH levels in a solution.