Sure! Here are some additional multiple choice questions about first aid along with their answers:
1. What is the first step you should take in the event of a fainting episode?
a) Shake the person vigorously
b) Give them a glass of water
c) Leave them alone and wait for them to regain consciousness
d) Lay the person down on their back
Answer: d) Lay the person down on their back
2. Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of a heart attack?
a) Chest pain or discomfort
b) Shortness of breath
c) Dizziness or fainting
d) Nausea or vomiting
Answer: c) Dizziness or fainting
3. What is the correct technique for removing a foreign object from the eye?
a) Blink rapidly until it comes out
b) Rub the eye vigorously
c) Flush the eye with clean, lukewarm water
d) Use tweezers to carefully extract it
Answer: c) Flush the eye with clean, lukewarm water
4. How long should you apply direct pressure to a bleeding wound before seeking medical attention?
a) 1-2 minutes
b) 5-10 minutes
c) 15-20 minutes
d) 30-45 minutes
Answer: b) 5-10 minutes
5. What is the correct first aid response for a person experiencing a seizure?
a) Place a spoon in their mouth to prevent them from biting their tongue
b) Hold the person down to prevent them from moving
c) Move sharp objects away from the person to prevent injury
d) Pour cold water on their face to help them regain consciousness
Answer: c) Move sharp objects away from the person to prevent injury
Remember, always consult a certified first aid training course or a medical professional for more accurate and specific information on first aid procedures.
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