In Chapter 7 of "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the mood becomes more serious as the Day of Ceremony approaches for the community. Jonas and his friends are excited and nervous about the important ceremony where they will receive their Assignments, the roles they will have in society. During the ceremony, Jonas watches as his friend Asher is assigned to be the Assistant Director of Recreation, which is a fun job that suits Asher's playful personality.
When it’s Jonas's turn, he feels a mix of excitement and anxiety. However, the Chief Elder skips over him, which surprises everyone and makes Jonas feel uneasy. He worries that he did something wrong. After all the Assignments are given out, the Chief Elder finally explains that Jonas has been selected for a very special role – he will be the new Receiver of Memory. This position is unique and important, as it involves receiving all the memories of the past that the community has chosen to forget.
The chapter highlights the importance of the Ceremony and the deep sense of responsibility that comes with the roles the community members are given. It also builds suspense about what being the Receiver of Memory will mean for Jonas and how it will change his life. The chapter ends with Jonas feeling both honored and anxious about what lies ahead.