Editing: After finishing her essay, Sarah spent an hour editing it, making sure there were no spelling or grammar errors.
Peer review: Before submitting their final project, the students exchanged papers and did a peer review, offering each other constructive feedback for improvement.
Planning: Before starting his research paper, John spent a week planning out his points and creating a detailed outline to guide his writing process.
Revising: After receiving feedback from her teacher, Emily revised her short story, changing the ending to make it more impactful.
Rewriting: Unable to find the right words for her poem, Mia decided to rewrite it in a different style, experimenting with different rhyme schemes and structures.
give me an example for all of them
editing – part of the writing process; checking your writing for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
peer review – part of the writing process; having someone else read what you wrote and making suggestions to improve it
planning – part of the writing process; deciding what you want to write about and what style you are going to use; making a graphic organizer or any other physical plan can be part of this step
revising – part of the writing process; re-reading your writing and adding to it or changing it to make it better
rewriting – part of the writing process; writing a piece in a different way; adding to it or changing it to make it better
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