Give me a example of sources and annexure

1 answer

Example of Sources:

1. Books: "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a source for understanding the roaring twenties in America.
2. Journal Articles: "Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity" published in the Journal of Nature provides scientific research on the impact of climate change on natural ecosystems.
3. Government Reports: "National Crime Statistics Report" by the FBI offers data and analysis on crime rates and trends in the United States.
4. Websites: The World Health Organization's website is a reliable source for information on global health issues.
5. Interviews: A personal interview with a Holocaust survivor provides firsthand accounts and perspectives on the historical event.

Example of Annexure:

Annexure A: Questionnaire
This annexure includes a questionnaire used to collect data for the research study. It consists of a set of questions designed to gather information from participants about their opinions and experiences related to the topic.

Annexure B: Experimental Data
This annexure contains experimental data collected during laboratory experiments conducted as part of the research study. It includes tables and graphs presenting the results obtained, supporting the analysis and conclusions made in the research paper.

Annexure C: Survey Results
This annexure contains the summarized results of a survey conducted among a sample population. It presents the responses collected from participants in a tabular or graphical format for a better understanding of the survey outcomes.

Annexure D: Maps and Diagrams
This annexure includes maps or diagrams used to illustrate geographical or spatial aspects relevant to the research study. For example, maps indicating the population density of different regions or diagrams explaining the experimental setup.

Annexure E: Additional References
This annexure provides a list of additional references and resources used in the research but not included in the main body of the paper. It helps readers interested in exploring further readings and supporting materials related to the topic.