Give examples of two concerns or negative consequences that have occurred from GMOs. Be sure to explain in full detail why this is concerning or a negative outcome for each.(3 points)

1 answer

1) Environmental concerns: One of the major concerns associated with GMOs is their potential impact on biodiversity and ecosystem health. GMO crops are often engineered to be resistant to herbicides or pesticides, which means that farmers can use these chemicals more liberally without harming the crop. However, this increased use of herbicides and pesticides can have detrimental effects on surrounding plants and insects. For example, widespread cultivation of herbicide-resistant GMO crops has led to the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds, leading to the need for even stronger and more toxic herbicides. This can harm non-target plants, reduce food and habitat options for insects, and disrupt the balance of ecosystems. Additionally, there is also the risk of gene flow, where genetically modified organisms can breed with wild relatives, potentially creating hybrid species with unknown characteristics and affecting the natural genetic diversity.

2) Health concerns: Another concern related to GMOs revolves around potential health risks associated with consuming genetically modified (GM) foods. Critics argue that the long-term effects of consuming GM crops are not yet fully understood or adequately assessed. One particular concern is the possibility of allergenic reactions to GMOs. When genes from allergenic organisms are introduced into a different food crop through genetic engineering, there is a risk that individuals with existing allergies to the initial organism will have adverse reactions upon consuming the GM crop. Moreover, there have been debates about the safety of consuming GMOs due to their potential for unexpected and unintended changes in nutritional content. Critics argue that manipulating the genes of organisms may alter the nutritional profile of the resulting crops, potentially leading to imbalances or deficiencies in key nutrients, compromising the nutritional value of food.

In conclusion, the concerns and negative consequences associated with GMOs mainly revolve around their potential impact on the environment, biodiversity, and human health. The increased use of herbicides and pesticides, as well as the risk of gene flow, can disrupt ecosystems and harm non-target species. The potential allergenicity of GM foods and the uncertain effects on nutritional content raise concerns about consumer health and safety. However, it is important to note that the regulation and scientific assessment of GMOs have improved over time, aiming to address these concerns and ensure the safety and sustainability of genetically modified crops and products.